Coles Supermarkets Enterprise Agreement 2021

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Coles Supermarkets Enterprise Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

Coles Supermarkets recently announced the approval of a new enterprise agreement covering over 100,000 employees across its stores, distribution centers, and support offices in Australia. The Coles Supermarkets Enterprise Agreement 2021 (EA 2021) represents a significant update to the previous agreement, which expired in April 2020, and includes changes in wages, conditions, and benefits that aim to improve the working standards and career opportunities for Coles employees. In this article, we will outline some of the key features of the EA 2021 and discuss their implications for Coles workers and customers.


One of the most visible aspects of the EA 2021 is the increase in wages for Coles workers. Under the new agreement, Coles employees will receive a 3% pay rise per year for the next four years, starting from October 2021. This represents a higher rate than the previous agreement, which offered a 2.5% increase per year. The pay rise will apply to all Coles employees, regardless of their position or tenure, and will be paid as an additional amount on top of their current base salary. This means that a full-time team member who currently earns $50,000 per year will receive an extra $1,500 per year, or $57,000 in total, by October 2024.

The pay rise is intended to keep pace with the cost of living and reward Coles employees for their contribution to the company`s success. However, some critics argue that it may not be enough to address the high levels of casualization and underemployment in the retail industry, which affect many Coles workers who rely on irregular hours and insecure contracts. Moreover, the pay rise may also lead to higher prices for Coles customers, as the company may pass on the increased labor costs to consumers in the form of higher prices for goods and services.


In addition to the pay rise, the EA 2021 introduces several changes in the working conditions for Coles employees. Some of these changes include:

– The ability to cash out up to five days of annual leave per year, subject to certain conditions.

– The provision of two days of paid domestic violence leave per year for eligible employees.

– Improved access to flexible working arrangements, such as part-time, job-sharing, and compressed hours, for employees who have caring responsibilities or other personal needs.

– Enhanced consultation and dispute resolution processes that involve employees and their representatives in decision-making and problem-solving.

These changes aim to address some of the concerns raised by Coles employees and their unions during the negotiation of the EA 2021. For example, the cashing out of annual leave may provide more flexibility for employees who need additional income or prefer to take time off at different times of the year. The domestic violence leave may also support employees who experience family violence and need time and resources to seek help and safety. The flexible working arrangements may benefit employees who struggle to balance work and life commitments and need more control over their schedules. The consultation and dispute resolution processes may foster more constructive and respectful relationships between Coles and its employees, reducing the risk of conflicts and grievances.


Apart from the wages and conditions, the EA 2021 also includes some new benefits and entitlements for Coles employees. These benefits include:

– A one-off bonus payment of $1000 to all full-time team members and $500 to all part-time and casual team members who were employed by Coles as of 1 September 2021 and do not have any active warnings or disciplinary actions.

– The option to participate in a new loyalty program called Coles Together, which offers discounts and rewards for purchasing Coles products and services, as well as vouchers for external brands and experiences.

– The opportunity to receive financial advice and education through a new program called My Money, My Future, which includes online tools, workshops, and coaching sessions to help employees manage their finances and plan for their retirement.

These benefits are designed to recognize and motivate Coles employees, as well as attract and retain talented and committed workers in a competitive labor market. The bonus payment, for example, may boost morale and help offset some of the costs of living during the pandemic. The Coles Together program may also encourage employees to shop and spend more at Coles, generating more revenue and loyalty for the company. The My Money, My Future program may also improve the financial literacy and well-being of employees, reducing the risks of debt, stress, and poverty in retirement.


The Coles Supermarkets Enterprise Agreement 2021 is a complex and multifaceted document that reflects the interests and aspirations of Coles, its employees, and its stakeholders. While the new agreement offers many positive changes and benefits for Coles workers, it also poses some challenges and concerns for the company and its customers. As a professional, you can help ensure that any content related to the Coles Supermarkets Enterprise Agreement 2021 is accurate, clear, and engaging, and that it uses relevant keywords and phrases to attract and inform readers. By doing so, you can contribute to promoting a fair, productive, and sustainable work environment for Coles and its employees.