Mpsa Agreement and Visual under Mpsa

If you’re exploring Microsoft’s licensing options, you may come across the term MPSA Agreement. This contract is designed to make it easier for organizations to purchase and manage various software licenses. But what exactly is an MPSA Agreement, and how can it benefit your business?

What is an MPSA Agreement?

MPSA stands for Microsoft Products and Services Agreement. This agreement is a licensing program designed for businesses and organizations with more than 250 employees. MPSA allows organizations to purchase various Microsoft software licenses, including Office 365, Windows 10, and Azure, among others.

The primary benefit of an MPSA Agreement is that it simplifies the process of purchasing and managing software licenses. Rather than purchasing licenses individually, organizations can buy licenses in bulk through a central administrator. This allows for greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness, as licenses can be added or removed as needed.

Visual Under MPSA

Once you have an MPSA Agreement in place, you can take advantage of various licensing programs, including Visual Studio subscriptions. Visual Studio is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) that supports the development of a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, desktop, and cloud-based applications.

Under an MPSA Agreement, organizations can purchase Visual Studio subscriptions at a discounted rate. These subscriptions include access to various tools and services, including the latest versions of Visual Studio, Azure, and Office 365, among others. Subscriptions are available in various editions, including Enterprise, Professional, and Test Professional.

By purchasing Visual Studio subscriptions under an MPSA Agreement, organizations can access the latest development tools and services while minimizing licensing costs. Moreover, an MPSA Agreement makes it easier to manage subscriptions and licenses, as all licenses are tracked through a central administrator. This makes it easier to monitor usage and ensure compliance with licensing terms.


In summary, an MPSA Agreement is a licensing program designed to simplify software licensing for large organizations. By purchasing software licenses in bulk through a central administrator, organizations can benefit from greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, by purchasing Visual Studio subscriptions under an MPSA Agreement, organizations can access the latest development tools and services at a discounted rate. If you’re considering an MPSA Agreement, it’s important to consider your organization’s specific needs and goals to ensure the program is a good fit.